The 3 Niche Categories That Will Earn You The Most $$$

There are lots of different factors involved in picking profitable  niches, but we’ll try and help clear those muddy waters in this article.

First off, let’s talk about “Poodle Fluffers”…
…that’s our tongue-in-cheek nickname for the less-profitable niches.

Picking profitable niches

Let’s say you’re leasing out two websites for $500/month each.One is for a roofer, and the other is for someone who grooms dogs.

  1. According to HomeAdvisor, the average roof job is worth between $5,347 and $10,633.
  2. According to Angieslist, the average dog grooming costs between $30 and $90.

So just one job for a roofer can pay for the lease of your site for an entire year.

But, the Poodle fluffer would need to fluff 6-17 dogs before they even break even… and that’s every month!

So when we say avoid the Poodle Fluffers, we mean it in the nicest possible way for both your sake, and theirs.

Go With What You Know or Interests You

It’s easy to look at niches and go with what you think will be most profitable.

The danger of this is that creating/sourcing content and images can be boring and feel like a hard slog (unless you purchase one of our Niche Packs).

Picking profitable niches

Instead – particularly in the early days of your Rank ‘n’ Rent career – we recommend you choose a niche that you already know something about, or at least have an interest in.

Perhaps you have an interest in Home Improvement, or maybe you had a major remodeling job done on your home?

Maybe you’ve had – or supported someone through – a surgical procedure?

The Three Main Categories

Our favorite niches all fall within one of three categories:

  1. Home Improvement
  2. Cosmetic/Health
  3. Legal

For home improvement, these can include: 

  • Roofing
  • Remodeling
  • Flooring
  • Pools
  • Outdoor Kitchens
  • Outdoor Living Spaces
  • Landscaping
  • Decks
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Heating/Ventilation and AC
  • Mold Remediation
  • Driveways
  • Garage Doors
  • Window Replacement
  • Alarm Systems
  • Pest Control
  • ….and many more!

And don’t forget a lot of these services offer emergency services as well, which often cost more.

Some Cosmetic/Health Niches can include:

  • Fat Removal Surgery
  • Bariatric Surgery
  • Nose Jobs
  • Dental Implants
  • Varicose Vein Removal/Treatment
  • Breast Implants
  • Breast Reductions
  • Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia) Surgery
  • Diabetes Treatment
  • Hairloss Treatment
  • Reproductive Health/Fertility Treatment
  • Fat loss

Maybe you’ve had some treatments yourself or know someone who has?

That can be a great starting point as you’ll be able to come from a position of some knowledge.

Some Legal Niches You May Start With Are:

  • Mesothelioma (Asbestos)
  • Dog Bite Claims
  • General Personal Injury 
  • Car Accident 
  • Motorcycle Accident 
  • Divorce 
  • Immigration 
  • Minor Crime
  • Major Crime
  • DUI/DWI*

*check the correct term used in each state you target.

Avoid The “Naughty” Niches

Highly regulated industries/niches – such as Adult, Alcohol, Financial, Insurance, Tobacco, Drugs, Gambling, Firearms, and similar regulated industries are more likely to be on Google’s “naughty list.” 

Therefore, they can be extremely challenging to rank (in most cases). 

Yes, even AmaLuv, DigiMo, and Sparkzio may not be able to crack Google’s naughty niches. 

If you are targeting a regulated niche, adjust your expectations accordingly.

You’re Not Marrying The Niche

The good news is that once you choose a Niche, you’re not married to it.

You may find that a Roofer you dealt with put you onto his Cousin who is a Specialist who fixes Termite-damage.

You may even find that the whole Home Improvement category stresses you out and you switch completely to Medical or Legal.

The point is, there’s really only one true way to find your Niche, and that’s by taking action and getting started on something.

Action is the only answer.

You’ve got this.


Remember; Keep on ROCKIN!

 Ps: You can grab on of your DONE FOR YOUR Niche packs below on these amazing deals.

Updated on July 9, 2020

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