How To Host Your Sparkzio Site On A Different Hosting Platform

The hosting of your domain is included with your subscription however, you may wish to host the site, or sites, you’ve created using our site builder Sparkzio on another hosting site. This is not a problem, you’ll just need to follow these simple instructions: (please note, you will not change any of the site settings for your site)

  1. Export your site to your computer – You will receive a Zip file containing the complete contents of your site.
  2. You may either extract the contents of your archive file (Zip) on your computer and then upload to your hosting site or, if you have access to the File Manager in the Cpanel of your host you may upload the entire Zip file and then extract on your host. If everything has been completed successfully, visiting your domain, using your browser, will correctly display your site.

Please note, if you make any changes to your site, using our Sparkzio builder, those changes will not appear on your live site until you go through the two steps above.

The advantage of hosting your site with Sparkzio, while in the process of building your site, is that whenever you make changes in the builder and save those changes, you’ll be able to see the changes immediately just by refreshing your site in your browser.

Hope this has provided you with the information you need.

Updated on March 26, 2020

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