Follow the Steps in Video Below

1) Exporting Your Site
2) Uploading Your Site to an Amazon S3 Bucket
3) Validate Your S3 URL with Google
4) Indexing Your Site with the NEW Google Search Console

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I’ve included bonus information so please, go though it completely (and do take notes) at least one time!

The video above takes you through the whole process. Please take your time and work at your own pace.

Note 1, Since only one (1) file/site can be indexed per container, the addition of a folder to contain your site or files may cause issues and is not recommended.

Note 2. The validation file that Google has you download to upload to your site or S3 container must not be modified or changed in any way. If the file name or it’s contents are changed in anyway, the validation will fail…Every time.

The content of the google validation file contains the original name the Google Verification file must have so, you can verify that the name is correct by using a text editor to look inside to check. (an html file is a text file).

Just follow these procedure and don’t change the name of the file in any way. The container will be verified. The verification file is linked to your Google account and to each URL verified – Also, never remove the verification file unless you’re deleting everything in the container and will be verifying a new container, even if you’re using the same name.

Login to your Google account here (if you don’t have an account, you’ll be able to create one) The New Google Search Console

If verification of your site fails, it’s because Google could not find the verification file where you said it was and/or the name of the verification file was changed.

For all the most up-to-date Sparkzio resources, be sure to login to the Sparkzio HQ

Updated on December 10, 2019

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