How do I access all my awesome stuff? We have an awesome backstage area that houses all your cool stuff...
Need Help? Can't find your solution in the knowledge base? Reach out to the Rockstar Help Team Now...
I Am Not Getting Goto Webinar Emails? I Am Not Getting GotoWebinar Emails? If you have signed up for one of our RockStar webinars, but didn’t receive...
Looking for Billing, Purchase, Guarantees, and Account Info or General Policies? Looking for info about billing, accounts, or other related help?
How to Update My Billing Information You can update your billing by accessing your account from the invoice we sent you. The video below will explain...
How Do I Collect Payment When Leasing My Sites We recommend using Stripe or Paypal to collect payment from your clients. To sign up for stripe, please use the...
Do We Accept Paypal Credit? Sadly, we do not accept paypal credit. However, we have great deals.. If you would like to hear more, please...
Trouble receiving our email? Sometimes you aren’t able to receive our emails because we are not able to communicate with your email. It helps...
I Am Not Getting Webinar Replay Emails To My Inbox You might not be getting our emails to your inbox because it’s being filtered into your spam or promotions fold....
I Am Unable To Login To My Account If you are not able to log into your account, please follow these steps 1) Try a password reset: You...